We give back to your choice of charity or non-profit organisation!

Our Products Offered!

Website Hosting — We offer one standard website hosting package which is:
200mb Storage Space
5 pop3 e-mail accounts
Unlimited Data transfer
Unlimited FTP Access
R150 per month (10% given back) or
R1800 per year (20% given back)
Set up (once off):
R100, including domain transfer. (10% given back)
Domain Cost:
.co.za R200 (10% given back)
.com R300 (10% given back)

Dial up Access — Get you connection to the internet from us! National and local numbers available.
This includes:
Unlimited Dial up access
1 pop3 e-mail account
R90 per month (10% given back) or
R1080 per year (20% given back) 

Have a product to offer? — Please contact us and let us know what your product is and what percentage you are willing to give back!

If you get these products cheaper, contact us, perhaps we can match the price, and still give something back.

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